Friday, August 9, 2013

How to protect your self from summer heat

Blog post #4

Hi this is 4th post on this blog and my goal is 1000 post or more.
So from now I will mark it like I have done above "current post number/1000"

We all love summer!
But sometimes we cant take the heat! In some countries temperature reaches up to 50C° that is almost twice the heat of the average human body!
In order to get cooled down I figured out a few ideas!

1. First of all drink a lot of cold water but not too cold because that is not good for the stomach.
Always have a bottle of water with you wherever you go.
It is wise to make your hair wet with cold water and to make your back and chest wet too if the heat reaches up to 40C°

2. Always wear a white hat! Never play smart and wear black hat because that can cause brain impact!
White color does not absorb much heat and protects the head and brain from heat so you will not get headache if you are out on the sun for long time.

3. This wont really protect you from heat but will from the sun.. It is good to wear sun glasses because it is not good for the eyes to be exposed to huge amount of light. Specialy if you were in the house whole day before you went outside.

4. If you are on the beach, doing sunbathing you should enter in water every 15-20minutes. That way you will cool down your body and the blood in it. If not you may have a chance to start feeling dizzy.
5. If you dont have air condition in your house than you can cool it down like this.
Open all windows and doors if you can. But put curtains over the windows so that only air goes in the room and sun light not.

6. I would suggest you to take a shower at least 3 times a day.

These were some of my ideas. I hope I helped to you.
Please share the post if you found it useful!
And remember keep your hair wet during whole day.


  1. Good list! I like "keep your hair wet during the whole day!"
    I wrote about this on my running blog once:
    Cheers and good luck on your new site!

  2. Thank you Kris :)
    I liked your blog too :)
